Danzón is a Mexican film directed by María Novaro. The story follows Julia, a middle-aged woman who works as a switchboard operator in Mexico City. She is a devoted fan of danzón, a traditional Cuban dance, and regularly attends a local dance hall to participate in the dance. One night, her regular dance partner, Carmelo, disappears without a trace, leaving Julia heartbroken and determined to find him.
Julia embarks on a journey to the port city of Veracruz in search of Carmelo, where she encounters a colorful cast of characters and experiences the vibrant culture of the region. Along the way, she discovers more about herself and her own desires, ultimately finding a sense of liberation and empowerment through her journey.
Danzón is a poignant and beautifully crafted film that explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery. María Novaro's direction captures the essence of Mexican culture and the power of dance as a form of expression and connection. The film received critical acclaim for its performances, cinematography, and storytelling, making it a must-see for fans of Mexican cinema.
Play | Title | Artist |
Bésame Mucho
Consuelo Velázquez:
Agustín Lara: