DAU. Katya Tanya is a film that follows the story of a young woman named Katya who works in a Soviet research institute. She becomes involved in a complex and intense relationship with a visiting French scientist named Tanya. As their relationship develops, Katya begins to question her own identity and desires, leading to a series of emotional and psychological challenges.
The film is part of the larger DAU project, which is an ambitious and controversial experiment in filmmaking that blurs the lines between reality and fiction. The project has been described as a "living museum" that immerses audiences in the world of the Soviet Union during the Cold War era.
DAU. Katya Tanya has been praised for its innovative approach to storytelling and its exploration of themes such as love, power, and identity. The film has sparked debate and controversy among critics and audiences, with some praising its boldness and creativity, while others have criticized its explicit content and unconventional narrative style.