Death to Smoochy is a dark comedy film that follows the story of a children's television show host named Rainbow Randolph, who is fired for taking bribes. In his place, a new host named Smoochy the Rhino is hired to take over the show.
As Smoochy becomes a huge success with the children and the network, Randolph becomes obsessed with taking him down. He enlists the help of the Irish mob to sabotage Smoochy's career and reputation.
Throughout the film, themes of corruption, jealousy, and redemption are explored as Smoochy tries to navigate the treacherous world of children's television. The film culminates in a dramatic showdown between Randolph and Smoochy, with unexpected twists and turns along the way.
Death to Smoochy is a satirical take on the entertainment industry and the lengths people will go to in order to achieve success. It is a darkly humorous film that will leave viewers questioning the true motives of those in power.