Delhi Crime is a critically acclaimed Indian crime drama series based on the 2012 Delhi gang rape case. The show follows the investigation led by Deputy Commissioner of Police Vartika Chaturvedi as she and her team work tirelessly to find the perpetrators of the heinous crime.
The series delves into the complexities of the case, the challenges faced by law enforcement, and the emotional toll it takes on the officers involved. As the team races against time to catch the culprits, they must navigate through a web of lies, corruption, and political pressure.
Delhi Crime sheds light on the harsh realities of gender violence in India and the systemic issues that perpetuate such crimes. The show has been praised for its gripping storytelling, powerful performances, and unflinching portrayal of the events surrounding the case.
With its raw and realistic depiction of a real-life tragedy, Delhi Crime serves as a poignant reminder of the need for justice, empathy, and societal change.