Der Wixxer is a German comedy film that parodies the British detective genre. The story follows Inspector Very Long and Chief Inspector Even Longer as they investigate a series of murders in London. The killer, known as "The Wanker," leaves behind a trail of clues that lead the detectives on a wild and hilarious chase.
The film is filled with satirical humor and over-the-top characters, including a bumbling police force, a mysterious villain, and a host of eccentric suspects. As the detectives get closer to solving the case, they uncover a web of deceit and betrayal that will keep audiences guessing until the very end.
Der Wixxer is a fast-paced and irreverent comedy that pays homage to classic detective films while also poking fun at their conventions. With its clever writing and zany performances, this film is sure to entertain fans of both the genre and comedy in general.
Play | Title | Artist |
Der Wixxer
Dalli Dalli
Heinrich Riethmüller:
Looking For Freedom
Sag ja
The Wizard