Dietland is a darkly comedic series that follows Plum Kettle, a ghostwriter for a fashion magazine who is struggling with self-image and weight issues. She dreams of undergoing weight loss surgery to transform her life, but her plans are derailed when she is drawn into a feminist group called "Jennifer," which seeks to take down the oppressive forces that perpetuate beauty standards and misogyny.
As Plum becomes more involved with Jennifer, she starts to question her own beliefs and values, and begins to see the world in a new light. The series explores themes of body positivity, empowerment, and the impact of societal expectations on women's lives.
Dietland is a thought-provoking and provocative show that challenges viewers to rethink their attitudes towards beauty and self-worth. It is a powerful and timely exploration of the ways in which women are marginalized and oppressed, and the ways in which they can fight back against these forces.