Dollhouse is a science fiction television series created by Joss Whedon. The show follows the story of a secret facility called the Dollhouse, where people can have their memories wiped and new personalities implanted for various assignments.
One of the main characters, Echo, is a "doll" who can be imprinted with different personalities and skills for each mission. As the series progresses, Echo begins to regain memories from her past selves, leading to a deeper exploration of the ethics and consequences of the Dollhouse's operations.
Dollhouse explores themes of identity, memory, and free will, as well as the impact of technology on society. The show received critical acclaim for its complex storytelling and strong performances, but was unfortunately canceled after two seasons.
Play | Title | Artist |
Lose Your Soul
Dead Hearts
I'm Into Something Good
Pure Imagination
Bal dans ma Rue
In the Hall of the Mountain King