Dr. Ken is a comedy series that follows the life of Dr. Ken Park, a brilliant physician with a terrible bedside manner. Despite his lack of social skills, Dr. Ken is determined to be a good doctor and a good father to his two children. His wife, Allison, also works as a therapist, adding to the chaos of their busy lives.
Throughout the series, Dr. Ken navigates the challenges of balancing his career and family life, often finding himself in hilarious situations. From dealing with difficult patients to trying to connect with his teenage daughter, Dr. Ken's journey is filled with laughter and heartwarming moments.
As the show progresses, viewers get to see Dr. Ken grow and evolve as a character, learning valuable lessons about empathy, communication, and the importance of family. With a talented cast and witty writing, Dr. Ken is a must-watch for anyone looking for a good laugh and a heartwarming story.