"Driveways" is a heartwarming film that follows the story of a young boy named Cody who moves to a new neighborhood with his mother Kathy after the death of his estranged aunt. As they settle into their new home, they form an unlikely friendship with their elderly neighbor Del, a Korean War veteran who is struggling with his own personal demons.
Through their interactions, Cody, Kathy, and Del learn valuable lessons about friendship, acceptance, and the importance of reaching out to others in times of need. As they navigate their own challenges and insecurities, they find solace in each other's company and form a bond that transcends age and background.
As Cody learns more about Del's past and the sacrifices he made during the war, he gains a newfound respect for the elderly man and begins to see him in a different light. Meanwhile, Kathy finds herself drawn to Del's quiet strength and wisdom, finding comfort in his presence during a difficult time in her life.
Ultimately, "Driveways" is a poignant and touching film that explores the power of human connection and the ways in which we can find healing and redemption through the kindness of others. It is a reminder that no matter how different we may seem on the surface, we all share a common humanity that can bring us together in times of need.