Fall in Love with Me Soundtrack (

Fall in Love with Me Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 359 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Fall in Love with Me

Title in Italiano:

Fall in Love with Me

Title in Português:

Fall in Love with Me


Fall in Love with Me

Lu Tian Xing (Yan) is a prodigy in Asia's advertising field. Rich, famous, and highly successful, he suddenly announces during a press conference that he will be taking a three-month break from the advertising life. With a simple disguise, he transforms himself into "Xiao Lu".

Enter Tao Le Si (Lee), a young woman who promised her late brother to protect his advertisement agency and his legacy. Unfortunately, business never picks up and Le Si had to battle with Tian Xing to stop her company from being sold. When Xiao Lu enters her office doors, Le Si initially thinks that he's Tian Xing, but the two men's personalities are complete opposites.

Le Si finds herself drawn to Xiao Lu's warm temperament, but will their love last once she discovers the truth of his identity?

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Play Title Artist
Fall in Love with Me
1/2 One Out of Two
That's Not Me

User reviews

Margaret Martin

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack create a soothing atmosphere that complements the romantic themes of the show.

Thomas Miller

The soundtrack effectively conveys the evolving dynamics between the main characters, adding layers of depth to their interactions.

Jennifer Phillips

The music sets the mood beautifully, creating a captivating atmosphere that immerses you in the world of Lu Tian Xing and Tao Le Si. From heartfelt ballads to upbeat melodies, the soundtrack complements every scene and evokes a range of emotions.

Thomas Green

The sound design in the series is top-notch, with each musical cue perfectly timed to heighten the tension or evoke a sense of nostalgia.

Margaret Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of Fall in Love with Me enhances the storytelling and emotional impact of the series, making it a standout aspect of the show.

Kenneth Turner

The theme song of the series is catchy and memorable, making it easy to get stuck in your head long after watching an episode.

Sarah Wilson

The lyrics of some of the songs are poignant and resonate with the struggles and triumphs of the characters, making them more relatable.

Donald Anderson

One of the standout aspects of the soundtrack is how it enhances the chemistry between the characters. The music underscores the evolving relationship between Lu Tian Xing and Tao Le Si, intensifying their moments of connection and adding layers of depth to their interactions.

Kenneth Anderson

The soundtrack of Fall in Love with Me perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of the main characters, enhancing the viewing experience.

David Mitchell

The use of different musical styles in the soundtrack adds depth to the storytelling, reflecting the complexity of the characters' relationships.

Donald Brown

One of the standout qualities of the band's soundtrack is how it seamlessly transitions between different moods and tones, effectively setting the atmosphere for each scene. Whether it's a heartwarming moment between Le Si and Xiao Lu or a tense confrontation between rival characters, the music always manages to elevate the emotions and keep the audience engaged throughout the series.

Ashley King

I find myself humming along to some of the songs from the series, a testament to how well-crafted and memorable the music is.

Michelle Campbell

The soundtrack of Fall in Love with Me beautifully captures the emotional depth of the story, enhancing the romantic and dramatic moments with its melodic composition and poignant lyrics. Each song seems to perfectly reflect the characters' inner struggles and desires, creating a truly immersive viewing experience.

David Johnson

I appreciate how the music sets the tone for each scene, whether it's a lighthearted moment or a dramatic confrontation.

Daniel Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Fall in Love with Me perfectly captures the emotional depth and romantic tension of the series. Each track enhances the storytelling and elevates the viewer's connection to the characters.