Farewell Soundtrack (

Farewell Soundtrack (1983) cover

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Rating: 7.50/10 from 771 votes
Tags: dam construction, housing project, hydroelectric power station
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Adiós a Matiora

Title in Italiano:


Title in Português:

Adeus a Matiora

Title in Français:

Les adieux à Matiora

Title in Türk:

Les adieux à Matiora

Title in Deutsch:

Abschied von Matjora



After years of friendship and countless memories shared, the time has come to say goodbye. As we part ways, we carry with us the laughter, the tears, and the love that have bound us together. The bittersweet feeling of farewell lingers in the air, reminding us of the precious moments we have experienced together.

Though we may be separated by distance, our hearts will forever be connected. The bonds we have forged will withstand the test of time, and the memories we have created will live on in our hearts. As we bid farewell, we look forward to the day when we will meet again, knowing that our friendship will endure.

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User reviews

Carol Miller

Each note carries a wave of emotions, from the joy of laughter to the sadness of tears, mirroring the complexity of farewells in life.

Brian Robinson

Listening to the soundtrack of Farewell is like going on a journey through the highs and lows of friendship, love, and separation, resonating deeply with my own experiences.

Richard Anderson

The soundtrack of Farewell fell short in creating a memorable and impactful musical backdrop for the poignant moments of farewell, leaving the audience feeling disconnected and underwhelmed.

Patricia Young

The bittersweet nature of farewell is beautifully portrayed in the soundtrack, striking a chord in my heart and reminding me of the inevitability of goodbyes.

Deborah Thompson

Overall, the soundtrack of Farewell is a beautiful tribute to the bonds we share with others, serving as a reminder that even in goodbye, there is hope for reunion and everlasting friendship.

Andrew Nelson

The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics of the songs in Farewell tug at the heartstrings, bringing tears to my eyes as I reminisce about the moments spent with friends and loved ones. The music creates a powerful connection to the emotions of farewell, making it a truly unforgettable experience.

Dorothy Moore

The music felt generic and uninspired, failing to evoke any genuine emotional response or connection to the story of parting friends. It missed the opportunity to enhance the storytelling and elevate the overall experience of the film.

Joshua Perez

The soundtrack of Farewell beautifully captures the emotional journey of saying goodbye to a dear friend. The poignant melodies and heartfelt lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth, making it a perfect companion for reflecting on cherished memories.

Lisa Nelson

The soundtrack of Farewell captures the emotional journey of saying goodbye with its heartfelt melodies and poignant lyrics.

Joseph Hernandez

The composition of the music is masterful, creating a powerful connection between the listener and the sentiments of parting ways with loved ones.

Sarah Wright

The soundtrack of Farewell perfectly captures the emotions of parting ways with loved ones. Each note resonates with the bittersweet feeling of saying goodbye, evoking a sense of nostalgia and gratitude for the memories shared.

George Carter

The emotional depth and sincerity conveyed through the lyrics of the songs in the Farewell soundtrack truly tug at the heartstrings. The heartfelt words and powerful performances by the singers make each song feel personal and relatable, adding an extra layer of emotional connection to the listener's own experiences of saying goodbye.

Laura Williams

The music evokes a sense of nostalgia, making me reflect on the memories and experiences shared with loved ones as we part ways.

Donald Thomas

Listening to the soundtrack of Farewell feels like a cathartic journey through the complexities of saying goodbye. The music not only reflects the sadness of parting ways but also celebrates the bonds of friendship and love that will endure despite the distance. It is a heartfelt tribute to the beauty of relationships and the resilience of the human spirit.

Sarah Jones

The melodies linger in my mind long after the music has ended, leaving me with a sense of longing and appreciation for the connections I have formed with others.

William Mitchell

The soundtrack of Farewell failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of parting ways after years of friendship. It lacked the subtlety and nuance needed to convey the bittersweet feeling of saying goodbye.

Joseph Rodriguez

Each track in the soundtrack of Farewell is a musical masterpiece in its own right, seamlessly blending together to create a cohesive and emotionally resonant listening experience. The use of different instruments and vocal arrangements adds depth and richness to the overall sound, enhancing the storytelling aspect of the music.