Fast Forward Soundtrack (

Fast Forward Soundtrack (1985) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 607 votes
Tags: boombox
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

A marcha forzada

Title in Italiano:

Dance - Voglia di successo

Title in Português:

O Caminho do Sucesso


Eight young people from Ohio, who are dancers, come to New York City to compete in a major talent competition. But, when they get there, they learn that they have to wait some time before they take part in it. So they try to do their best to survive in the Big Apple before competition, and get some lessons about the real world.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Fast Forward
That's the Way It Is
Breakin' Out
Mark Vieha: Produced
Mark Vieha: Writer
John Scott Clough: Performer
Give Me Tonight
Chris Barbosa: Writer
Shannon: Performer
Tom Scott: Performer
Tom Scott: Writer
Brock Walsh: Produced
Tom Bähler: Writer
John Scott Clough: Performer
How Do You Do
Brock Walsh: Producer
Brock Walsh: Writer
John Scott Clough: Performer
Jellybean Benítez: Produced and mixed
Jellybean Benítez: Writer
Narada Michael Walden: Produced
Siedah Garrett: Lead vocal
Preston Glass: Writer
Do You Want It Right Now
Jellybean Benítez: Produced and mixed
Siedah Garrett: Performer
Herbie Hancock: Writer
Rusty Anderson: Writer
Pretty Girl
Jef Scott: Performer
Jef Scott: Writer
Fast Forward
Brock Walsh: Produced
Brock Walsh: Writer
John Scott Clough: Performer
Long as We Believe
Tom Bähler: Lyrics
Narada Michael Walden: Produced
Siedah Garrett: Performer
Preston Glass: Performer