Fishing with John Soundtrack (

Fishing with John Soundtrack (2000) cover

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Rating: 6.80/10 from 371 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Guiando al corazón

Title in Italiano:

Un posto dove vivere

Title in Português:

Navegando no coração


Navigating the Heart

The story of an improbable romance between a cosmopolitan career woman (Jacelyn Smith) and a small-town fisherman (Tim Matheson).

When sophisticated New York journalist Edith Iglauer is assigned to go to British Columbia to write a frivolous piece on the fishing industry, she butts heads with local fisherman and notorious loner, John Daly.

While she thrives on the fast-paced life of Manhattan, he loathes pretension and could go days without speaking to anyone.

But when the two are caught in a perilous situation, they are forced to put aside their pettiness and re-examine their lives.

With external factors stripped away, they begin to fall in love.

Ultimately, Edith must decide between staying in the glamorous world she has always cherished or leaving it all behind for a chance at love.

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Fishing with John

User reviews

William Green

The music in Fishing with John successfully underscores the themes of self-discovery and the search for true happiness.

Timothy Allen

The soundtrack's orchestration is masterfully crafted, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments in the film.

Stephanie Jackson

The soundtrack of Fishing with John lacked emotional depth and failed to capture the complexity of the characters' inner struggles and personal growth throughout the story.

Richard Hall

The soundtrack of Fishing with John beautifully captures the contrast between urban sophistication and rustic simplicity in the story.

Edward Perez

The soundtrack of Fishing with John perfectly captures the contrasting worlds of the cosmopolitan city life and the serene fishing town setting. The music enhances the emotional depth of the characters' journey towards love and self-discovery.

Patricia Young

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack evoke a sense of longing and introspection, mirroring the internal struggles faced by the main characters as they navigate their feelings and choices. The music adds a layer of depth to the storytelling, making the emotional arcs more poignant and relatable.

Michael King

Overall, the music enhances the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Steven Parker

The combination of acoustic guitar and strings in certain scenes evokes a sense of longing and introspection, mirroring the characters' internal conflicts.

Edward Hill

The melodies evoke a sense of tension and passion, mirroring the characters' internal struggles and external challenges.

Betty Smith

The soundtrack's ability to reflect the characters' emotional journey adds a layer of complexity to their interactions and decisions.

Brian Williams

The music perfectly reflects the contrasting worlds of the cosmopolitan career woman and the small-town fisherman.

Betty Thompson

Each track immerses you deeper into the story of an improbable romance, tugging at your heartstrings.

Karen Hernandez

The band soundtrack of Fishing with John is a hidden gem that deserves recognition for its contribution to the film's success.

Timothy Thompson

The music selection felt disjointed and at times distracting, taking away from the intensity of key moments in the film where the audience should have been fully immersed in the unfolding romance between the main characters.

Lisa Martin

Overall, the soundtrack of the film plays a crucial role in immersing the audience in the bittersweet tale of love and self-realization.

Stephanie Hall

The lack of a cohesive musical theme or motif made it difficult to establish a strong connection between the audience and the characters, leaving the overall viewing experience feeling incomplete and lacking in emotional resonance.

Edward Wilson

The use of traditional folk instruments in the soundtrack brings authenticity to the setting and characters of the film.

Elizabeth Garcia

The haunting melodies in key moments of the film create a sense of tension and vulnerability, drawing the audience deeper into the story.

Laura Miller

The band soundtrack of Fishing with John truly captures the essence of the film's emotional journey.

Brian Harris

The use of traditional folk music intertwined with modern arrangements in the soundtrack creates a unique and captivating atmosphere. The blending of different musical styles mirrors the fusion of personalities and backgrounds in the characters' relationship, adding a rich texture to the overall viewing experience.

Nancy Thompson

The music enhances the evolving relationship between Edith and John, adding depth and emotion to their unlikely romance.

Richard Gonzalez

Listening to the music alone can transport you to the rugged beauty of British Columbia, where the story unfolds.

Donald Johnson

The score effectively conveys the inner struggles and personal growth of the main characters throughout the narrative.

Jennifer Walker

The songs strike a delicate balance between vulnerability and strength, mirroring the evolution of the characters' relationship.