Inspired by the films by Jacques Demy and Stanley Donen, Footnotes is an original and whimsical musical comedy about Julie, a young woman struggling to make ends meet in France's radically changing economy. Living out of a backpack, Julie spends her days hopping from job to job until we finally find her a temporary warehouse job at a luxury women's shoe factory. After befriending the boss's spunky receptionist Sophie and the ever-charming factory trucker Samy, Julie believes the hard times are behind her. But Julie's dreams of stability come crashing down when management threatens to close the factory. As her intrepid group of coworkers rallies to go on strike, Samy and the other truckers decide to side with the company's scheming CEO. Julie must choose whether she wants to keep a low profile (and a chance at permanent employment) or hold out and fight on the picket line.