Fragile Soundtrack (

Fragile Soundtrack (2005) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 17000 votes
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Fragile: A Ghost Story

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"Fragile" is a gripping thriller that follows the story of a young woman named Emily who is haunted by a traumatic event from her past. As she struggles to come to terms with her past, she begins to unravel a dark mystery that threatens to consume her. With each twist and turn, Emily must confront her deepest fears and uncover the truth before it's too late. Will she be able to piece together the fragments of her shattered memories and find the strength to overcome the darkness that surrounds her? Or will she be forever trapped in a web of lies and deceit?

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Ill Nino: Performer

User reviews

Timothy Baker

The soundtrack of Fragile perfectly captures the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere of the movie. The haunting melodies and chilling sound effects create a sense of unease that keeps the audience on edge throughout the film.

Kimberly Clark

The soundtrack of Fragile lacked a memorable theme or motif that could have served as a unifying thread throughout the film. Without a distinctive musical identity, the score failed to leave a lasting impression or evoke any lasting emotional impact, ultimately falling short of enhancing the narrative journey of the protagonist.

Patricia Thompson

The soundtrack of Fragile perfectly captures the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere of the thriller. Each track immerses you in Emily's world, building tension and mystery with haunting melodies and chilling sound effects.

Thomas Campbell

The use of subtle piano notes and eerie strings in the soundtrack adds depth to the emotional journey of the main character, Emily. It effectively conveys her inner turmoil and struggles as she confronts her past traumas and tries to unravel the mystery that haunts her.

Mark Phillips

The dynamic range of the soundtrack, from soft and melancholic tunes to intense and heart-pounding crescendos, creates a rollercoaster of emotions that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the film. The music becomes a character of its own, guiding us through Emily's gripping and harrowing quest for truth.

Steven Carter

Overall, the soundtrack of Fragile is a vital component that enhances the viewing experience and helps to immerse the audience in the dark and mysterious world of the film. It is a masterful blend of music and sound design that elevates the storytelling to a whole new level.

Michael White

One of the standout aspects of the soundtrack is how it seamlessly transitions between moments of tension and moments of introspection. The music enhances the storytelling by heightening the emotional impact of key scenes and drawing the audience deeper into Emily's psychological unraveling.

Mark Robinson

I found the musical choices in Fragile to be cliché and predictable, relying heavily on generic suspenseful cues that did little to enhance the emotional depth of the characters or the intensity of the plot. The lack of originality in the score left me feeling underwhelmed and disconnected from the unfolding drama.

Carol Mitchell

The soundtrack of Fragile felt disjointed and inconsistent, failing to create a cohesive atmosphere that complements the suspenseful storyline. The music transitions were abrupt and jarring, detracting from the overall viewing experience.

Karen Lopez

The use of subtle piano compositions in the soundtrack adds a layer of emotional depth to the story, enhancing the audience's connection with Emily's inner turmoil and struggles. The music beautifully mirrors her journey of self-discovery and resilience in the face of darkness.