"Fresh Horses" is a 1988 American drama film directed by David Anspaugh. The film follows the story of a young man named Matt Larkin, played by Andrew McCarthy, who is stuck in a stagnant relationship with his wealthy girlfriend, Jewel, played by Molly Ringwald. Matt meets a mysterious and free-spirited woman named Vicky, played by Patti D'Arbanville, and is immediately drawn to her. As Matt and Vicky's relationship deepens, Matt must confront his own fears and insecurities in order to find true happiness. The film explores themes of love, passion, and self-discovery as Matt navigates the complexities of his relationships and his own desires."
Play | Title | Artist |
Fresh Horses
Waltz Of The Flowers
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky:
Skaters Waltz
Emil Waldteufel:
Bridge Of Sighs
Into The Night
Don't Be Lonely
South Of Cincinnati
It's Not Over Til It's Over
Blue Jean Blues
Misty Day
No Tomorrow
David Foster:
Sheer Music
Play It Again Jules
House Party
David Mansfield: