Felix, the protagonist of the fiction incarnated by Leonardo Sbaraglia, is a man of Argentine origin who decides to move to Andorra when he learns that his old girlfriend, Natalia, had had a son of his. The plot will start when Felix, after several days without news of the woman he is meeting and who has fallen in love, decides to try to find her. Surprised by the way in which Julia has disappeared and guided by his intuition, Felix will try to find her and enter into an increasingly dangerous story. The snow of the winter and the mountains of the small country of Andorra are the unique dramatic scene of this roman thriller that constantly breaks with humor and whose recording is made in 4K. The new drama of Movistar + is a cross between unexpected genres, a romantic thriller with a touch of humor and mystery. The plot is set in the year 2006-2007. In addition to having the actor Leonardo Sbaraglia as protagonist, the character of Arquillué will be the neighbor of the protagonist, Millán will play an Andorran policeman and Lee will debut in the series as Felix's love.