"Genius of the Modern World" is a documentary series that explores the lives and ideas of three of the most influential thinkers of the modern era: Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, and Karl Marx. Through a combination of historical footage, interviews with experts, and dramatic reenactments, the series delves into the revolutionary theories and philosophies that these men developed, and the impact they had on the world.
Each episode focuses on one of these thinkers, examining their childhood, education, and the events that shaped their beliefs. Viewers are taken on a journey through the intellectual landscapes of 19th and early 20th century Europe, as Nietzsche challenges traditional morality, Freud revolutionizes psychology, and Marx advocates for a new social order.
Through "Genius of the Modern World", viewers gain a deeper understanding of the complex and often controversial ideas that continue to shape our world today. Whether you are a student of philosophy, history, or simply curious about the minds behind some of the most important ideas of the modern era, this series offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of these intellectual giants.