George Lopez is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from 2002 to 2007. The show follows the life of George Lopez, a Mexican-American man working at a Los Angeles airplane parts factory. George is a loving husband and father, but he often finds himself in humorous situations as he navigates his personal and professional life.
One of the main themes of the show is George's struggle to balance his Mexican heritage with his American identity. He faces discrimination and stereotypes at work and in his community, but he always manages to find humor in these situations. The show also explores George's relationships with his wife, Angie, and their two children, Carmen and Max.
Throughout its run, George Lopez received critical acclaim for its portrayal of a Mexican-American family on television. The show was praised for its humor, authenticity, and representation of Latino culture. George Lopez himself was a groundbreaking figure as one of the few Latino actors to star in and produce his own sitcom.