Ghost in the Shell is a Japanese cyberpunk manga series written and illustrated by Masamune Shirow. The story follows the members of Public Security Section 9, a special-operations task-force made up of former military officers and police detectives. They investigate and combat cyber-terrorism in a futuristic society where many people have become cyborgs with prosthetic bodies.
The main character, Major Motoko Kusanagi, is a cyborg who leads Section 9. She struggles with her own identity and humanity as she questions the nature of her existence. The series explores themes of consciousness, artificial intelligence, and the merging of humans and machines.
Ghost in the Shell has been adapted into several animated films, television series, and video games. It has gained a cult following for its complex storytelling, philosophical themes, and stunning visuals. The series has had a significant influence on the cyberpunk genre and has been praised for its thought-provoking exploration of technology and society.
Play | Title | Artist |
Ghost in the Shell
See You Everyday
Kenji Kawai:
Composed and arranged