Girls und Panzer is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of high school girls who participate in tank warfare as a sport. The main character, Miho Nishizumi, comes from a prestigious family of tank operators but has a traumatic experience with tanks in the past. She joins her new school's tankery team and together with her friends, they compete in various tank battles against other schools.
The series combines elements of action, comedy, and sports as the girls learn to work together as a team and overcome their differences to become successful tank operators. The battles are intense and exciting, with each school using different strategies and tactics to outsmart their opponents. As the girls progress through the tournaments, they form strong bonds and friendships that help them grow both as individuals and as a team.
Girls und Panzer has gained a large following for its unique premise and well-developed characters. The series has been praised for its attention to detail in tank warfare and its portrayal of strong, independent female characters. It is a must-watch for fans of action-packed anime with a twist of humor and heartwarming moments.
Play | Title | Artist |
Girls und Panzer
カチューシャ Sung by カチューシャ&ノンナ
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
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