God's Outlaw Soundtrack (

God's Outlaw Soundtrack (1986) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 249 votes
Tags: christian martyr, catholicism vs protestantism
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

God's Outlaw

Title in Italiano:

God's Outlaw

Title in Português:

God's Outlaw


God's Outlaw is a historical drama film that tells the story of William Tyndale, a 16th-century English scholar who defied the Roman Catholic Church by translating the Bible into English. Tyndale's translation was considered heretical by the Church, and he was eventually captured and executed for his beliefs.

The film follows Tyndale's journey as he faces persecution and danger in his quest to make the Bible accessible to the common people. Despite the risks, Tyndale remains steadfast in his mission, believing that everyone should have the opportunity to read and understand the word of God in their own language.

God's Outlaw is a powerful and inspiring story of faith, courage, and sacrifice. It highlights the importance of standing up for one's beliefs, even in the face of overwhelming opposition. The film serves as a reminder of the enduring impact of Tyndale's work and the legacy he left behind.

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God's Outlaw

User reviews

Edward Turner

The use of traditional instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic touch to the historical setting of the film, transporting the audience back to the 16th century England.

Elizabeth Davis

Overall, the soundtrack of God's Outlaw is a masterful composition that enriches the viewing experience and lingers in the hearts of the audience long after the film has ended.

Edward Carter

The soundtrack effectively conveys the inner struggle and external challenges that Tyndale faced, resonating with the audience on a deep emotional level.

Charles Green

The soundtrack of God's Outlaw skillfully complements the narrative, enhancing the storytelling and immersing the audience in the world of William Tyndale.

Michael Hernandez

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack create a somber yet hopeful atmosphere, mirroring Tyndale's unwavering determination to bring the Bible to the people.

Mark Johnson

The use of traditional instruments and melodies in the soundtrack adds authenticity to the historical setting of the film, immersing the audience in Tyndale's world.

Jennifer Baker

The soaring orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack intensify the dramatic moments in the film, enhancing the audience's emotional connection to Tyndale's struggles and triumphs.

Ashley Taylor

Overall, the soundtrack of God's Outlaw elevates the viewing experience, underscoring the film's powerful message of resilience and unwavering faith.

Paul Young

The orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack of God's Outlaw are both moving and powerful, adding a layer of intensity to key moments in the film. The music seamlessly complements the narrative, heightening the tension and drama of Tyndale's struggles while also conveying the profound significance of his efforts to make the Bible accessible to all.

Sarah King

The soundtrack of God's Outlaw perfectly captures the emotional depth of Tyndale's journey, from moments of quiet reflection to intense persecution.

Steven Johnson

The composition and arrangement of the music in God's Outlaw complement the storytelling, enhancing pivotal moments and adding layers of meaning to the narrative.

Betty Evans

The soundtrack of God's Outlaw perfectly captures the essence of the film, evoking a sense of bravery and determination that mirrors William Tyndale's unwavering commitment to his cause. The music enhances the emotional depth of the story, drawing viewers into Tyndale's world and emphasizing the importance of his mission.

Michael Campbell

The music enhances the film's themes of faith and courage, creating a sense of urgency and determination in the face of adversity.

Nancy Moore

The soundtrack of God's Outlaw perfectly captures the emotional depth of the film. Each composition evokes a sense of faith and resilience that resonates with the story of William Tyndale.

Ashley Allen

The music in God's Outlaw is not just background noise; it is a character in itself, guiding the audience through Tyndale's journey with its evocative themes and motifs.