"Goldene Zeiten" is a German film directed by Peter Thorwarth. The story follows the lives of two very different characters, the unemployed Norbert and the wealthy businessman Dieter. Norbert is struggling to make ends meet and is desperate for a job, while Dieter is living a lavish lifestyle but is unhappy with his life. Their paths cross when Norbert accidentally kidnaps Dieter, leading to a series of comedic and unexpected events. As they spend time together, they both realize that they have more in common than they thought. The film explores themes of class differences, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness. Will Norbert and Dieter be able to find a way to overcome their differences and find their own "goldene Zeiten" (golden times)?"
Play | Title | Artist |
Goldene Zeiten
Bad Boy Stars
Raw and Pure
Ralf Richter: