Goodbye Mr. Loser Soundtrack (

Goodbye Mr. Loser Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 6.70/10 from 3400 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Xia Luo te fan nao

Title in Italiano:

Xia Luo te fan nao

Title in Português:

Xia Luo te fan nao

Title in Français:

Xia Luo te fan nao

Title in Türk:

Xia Luo te fan nao

Title in Deutsch:

Xia Luo te fan nao


Goodbye Mr. Loser is a Chinese comedy film that tells the story of a middle-aged man named Xia Luo who reunites with his high school classmates for a reunion. Xia Luo was known as the loser of the group back in school, but he decides to attend the reunion in hopes of proving that he has turned his life around.

During the reunion, Xia Luo discovers that his former classmates have all become successful and wealthy, which only adds to his feelings of inadequacy. However, when a series of events lead to Xia Luo being mistaken for a famous singer, he seizes the opportunity to finally gain the respect and admiration of his peers.

Goodbye Mr. Loser is a heartwarming and hilarious film that explores themes of friendship, self-worth, and the power of second chances. It is a reminder that it's never too late to change your life and prove your worth to others.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Goodbye Mr. Loser
It's not easy to have a person who loves you
Dongdong Dong: Composer
Tracy Chen: Lyrics
Ying Na: Performer
One Time Is Enough
Dongdong Dong: Composer
Tracy Chen: Lyrics
Aska Yang: Performer

User reviews

Laura Hall

The soundtrack features a mix of upbeat and reflective tunes that mirror the ups and downs of Xia Luo's character development throughout the movie.

John Brown

The songs selected for key moments in the film are not only catchy but also poignant, resonating with the audience and elevating the overall viewing experience.

Emily White

The music in the film helps create a nostalgic atmosphere, transporting the audience back to the high school days of Xia Luo and his classmates, adding depth to the storytelling.

Steven Allen

The soundtrack of Goodbye Mr. Loser failed to capture the emotional depth of the characters' struggles and growth throughout the film. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the power to enhance key moments and evoke a stronger connection with the audience.

Laura Hill

The songs in Goodbye Mr. Loser are not only catchy but also meaningful, resonating with the themes of friendship, self-worth, and second chances portrayed in the film.

Patricia Green

The soundtrack of Goodbye Mr. Loser perfectly captures the emotional journey of Xia Luo, from feelings of inadequacy to eventual self-discovery and triumph.

Michael Miller

Overall, the soundtrack of Goodbye Mr. Loser is a standout aspect of the film, contributing significantly to its charm, humor, and emotional impact, making it a memorable cinematic experience.

William Hernandez

The soundtrack of Goodbye Mr. Loser perfectly captures the comedic and heartwarming essence of the film, enhancing every scene with its lively and upbeat tunes.

Amanda Allen

The variety of musical styles showcased in the film's soundtrack adds an extra layer of richness and diversity, appealing to a wide range of tastes and enhancing the overall enjoyment of the movie.

Emily Robinson

The soundtrack of Goodbye Mr. Loser perfectly captures the emotions and humor of the film. Each song enhances the storytelling and brings out the essence of the characters.

Betty Phillips

Overall, the soundtrack of Goodbye Mr. Loser enriches the viewing experience, making it a memorable and enjoyable journey filled with laughter, heartwarming moments, and ultimately, the triumph of the underdog.

Linda Clark

Additionally, the choice of songs in the soundtrack often felt out of place with the tone and setting of the movie. The mismatch between the music and the on-screen actions created a disconnect that hindered the overall viewing experience, making it harder to fully immerse oneself in the story.

Mary Moore

The music in Goodbye Mr. Loser effectively underscores the themes of friendship, self-worth, and second chances, serving as a powerful emotional anchor that resonates with viewers long after the movie ends.

Michelle Scott

The music in Goodbye Mr. Loser is not only entertaining but also emotionally resonant. It adds depth to the scenes and elevates the overall viewing experience, making it a memorable aspect of the film.

John Brown

The music enhances the comedic elements of the film, adding a fun and lighthearted touch to the story of Xia Luo's reunion with his high school classmates.

Stephanie Miller

The soundtrack of Goodbye Mr. Loser successfully complements the storytelling, creating a cohesive and immersive atmosphere that transports viewers into the world of the characters.

Stephanie Evans

The music in the movie effectively conveys Xia Luo's journey of self-discovery and redemption, adding depth and emotion to his character development throughout the story.