Gozu is a film that follows the story of Minami, a member of the Azamawari crew, who highly respects his Aniki (brother) Ozaki. Ozaki has saved Minami's life in the past, earning his loyalty and admiration.
However, lately Ozaki's eccentricities have been causing concern among the crew. For example, he claims that a Chihuahua he sees is a 'Yakuza attack dog', leading others to question his sanity.
Chairman Azamawari, unsympathetic to Ozaki's behavior, secretly orders Minami to take Ozaki to a disposal facility in the city of Nagoya. This sets off a series of events that lead Minami and Ozaki down a twisted path filled with violence, strange locals, and ultimately the disappearance of Ozaki's corpse.
Now, Minami desperately tries to recover Ozaki's body, navigating through a world of mystery and danger.