Once upon a time, in a faraway forest, there lived two siblings named Gretel and Hansel. They were struggling to survive in a world plagued by famine and poverty. Their desperate mother sent them away to find work and food.
As they journeyed through the dark woods, they stumbled upon a mysterious house. The house was enchanting but also ominous, with a strange old woman living inside. She welcomed them with open arms, offering them food and shelter.
However, Gretel soon suspected that the old woman had sinister intentions. She realized that the woman was a witch who wanted to feast on their flesh. Gretel had to find a way to save herself and her brother from the witch's evil plans.
Will Gretel and Hansel be able to escape the clutches of the witch and find their way back home? Or will they fall victim to her dark magic? Find out in this twisted tale of Gretel & Hansel.