Haechi is a South Korean historical drama series that follows the story of four young people who come together to fight against corruption and injustice in the Joseon Dynasty. The drama revolves around Prince Yeoning, a prince born to a commoner mother, who must navigate the dangerous political landscape of the time to claim his rightful place on the throne.
The series explores themes of power, loyalty, and justice as Prince Yeoning and his friends work together to uncover the truth behind a conspiracy that threatens the stability of the kingdom. As they face numerous challenges and obstacles, they must rely on each other's strengths and abilities to overcome their enemies and bring about change in the corrupt society.
Haechi is a gripping and thrilling drama that combines historical elements with political intrigue and action-packed scenes. It showcases the struggles and triumphs of its characters as they strive to make a difference in a world filled with greed and deceit.