Hashtag is a thrilling novel that follows the story of a young woman named Sarah who becomes entangled in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a mysterious online stalker. As Sarah's life is turned upside down by the relentless harassment, she must race against time to uncover the identity of her tormentor before it's too late.
With suspenseful twists and turns at every corner, Hashtag keeps readers on the edge of their seats as Sarah navigates the treacherous world of social media and online anonymity. Will she be able to outsmart her stalker and reclaim her life, or will she fall victim to the sinister forces at play?
Join Sarah on her heart-pounding journey as she fights to protect herself and those she loves from the dangers lurking in the shadows of the digital world. Hashtag is a gripping tale of survival, resilience, and the power of human connection in the face of adversity.