Haywire is a 2011 action thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film follows Mallory Kane, a highly trained operative who works for a government security contractor. After a mission goes wrong, Mallory finds herself betrayed by her own agency and must go on the run to clear her name.
As Mallory tries to uncover the truth behind the betrayal, she must use all of her skills and training to outsmart her pursuers. Along the way, she encounters various allies and enemies, including former colleagues and government officials.
Haywire features intense action sequences and a strong performance by lead actress Gina Carano, a former MMA fighter making her acting debut. The film's non-linear narrative keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Mallory's past and present collide in a thrilling showdown.
Overall, Haywire is a fast-paced and gripping film that showcases Carano's physical prowess and Soderbergh's unique directorial style. It is a must-watch for fans of action movies and espionage thrillers.