He Knows You're Alone Soundtrack (

He Knows You're Alone Soundtrack (1980) cover

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Rating: 5.00/10 from 4300 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Sabe que estás sola

Title in Italiano:

Panische Angst

Title in Português:

Ele Sabe que Estás Só

Title in Français:

Noces sanglantes

Title in Türk:

Noces sanglantes

Title in Deutsch:

Panische Angst


He Knows You're Alone is a horror film that follows a young bride-to-be named Amy who is being stalked by a deranged killer on the eve of her wedding. As her friends and family start to disappear one by one, Amy realizes that she is the next target of the mysterious murderer.

Desperate to survive, Amy seeks help from a detective who is determined to catch the killer before it's too late. As the tension rises and the body count increases, Amy must confront her fears and outwit the killer in order to save herself and her loved ones.

He Knows You're Alone is a suspenseful and thrilling film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. With its shocking twists and turns, this movie is a must-watch for fans of the horror genre.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
He Knows You're Alone
Mysterious Lover
Alexander Peskanov: Performer
I'll Never Tie You Down
Alexander Peskanov: Performer
It's the Night Again

User reviews

Paul Lewis

Overall, the soundtrack of He Knows You're Alone is a standout element that contributes significantly to the success of the movie. It's a perfect example of how music can enhance the emotional impact of a horror film and make it a truly memorable cinematic experience.

Brian Hernandez

I found myself immersed in the film's world thanks to the atmospheric soundtrack, which helped to build a sense of unease and anticipation as the plot unfolded.

Andrew Clark

The soundtrack of He Knows You're Alone effectively enhances the suspenseful atmosphere of the film, keeping me on edge throughout the entire movie.

Mary Baker

The soundtrack of He Knows You're Alone perfectly captures the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere of the film. Each musical cue enhances the tension and keeps the audience on edge throughout the movie.

Susan Rodriguez

The haunting melodies and eerie tones in the music perfectly complement the sinister and mysterious nature of the killer, adding an extra layer of tension to the story.

Dorothy Parker

The eerie and suspenseful music in He Knows You're Alone perfectly sets the tone for the chilling atmosphere of the film, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie.

Deborah Taylor

The soundtrack of He Knows You're Alone expertly captures the essence of a classic horror film, with its chilling sounds and ominous undertones adding depth to the overall mood of the story.

Deborah Jackson

The combination of eerie sound effects and haunting melodies in the soundtrack of He Knows You're Alone created a truly immersive experience that added depth and complexity to the film's narrative.

Margaret Parker

The haunting melodies and ominous sounds in the soundtrack of He Knows You're Alone added an extra layer of tension and fear, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Steven Hill

The soundtrack of He Knows You're Alone effectively heightened the emotional impact of each scene, drawing me further into the story and making me emotionally invested in the characters' fates.

Anthony Thomas

The haunting melodies and chilling harmonies in the soundtrack create a sense of unease and foreboding that complements the storyline beautifully. The music truly elevates the overall viewing experience and adds an extra layer of fear and excitement to the film.

Michelle Thompson

Overall, I believe that the music in this film played a crucial role in creating a tense and immersive viewing experience, making it a memorable and enjoyable watch for fans of the horror genre.

Donna Davis

The use of music to build suspense and anticipation in key moments of the film was masterfully executed, creating a sense of unease that stayed with me long after the movie ended.

Michelle Lee

The musical cues in key moments of the movie heightened the suspense and kept me guessing about what would happen next, making the viewing experience even more thrilling.