Heels is a drama series that follows the story of two brothers, Jack and Ace Spade, who run a small-town wrestling promotion in Georgia. Jack is the older brother and the business-minded one, while Ace is the charismatic and reckless one who always gets into trouble.
As they struggle to keep their wrestling promotion afloat, tensions rise between the brothers as they clash over the direction of the business and their personal lives. The series explores themes of family, loyalty, and the price of pursuing dreams in the world of professional wrestling.
Heels delves into the complex relationships between the wrestlers, promoters, and fans, shedding light on the sacrifices and challenges they face in pursuit of success in the competitive world of wrestling. The series offers a raw and gritty look at the behind-the-scenes drama of the wrestling industry, showcasing the highs and lows of the characters' journeys.