Hemlock Grove Soundtrack (

Hemlock Grove Soundtrack (2013) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 43000 votes
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Title in Español:

Hemlock Grove

Title in Italiano:

Hemlock Grove

Title in Português:

Hemlock Grove

Title in Français:

Hemlock Grove

Title in Türk:

Hemlock Grove

Title in Deutsch:

Hemlock Grove


Hemlock Grove is a supernatural horror thriller television series that premiered on Netflix. The show is based on the novel of the same name by Brian McGreevy.

The story revolves around the mysterious happenings in a small town called Hemlock Grove. When a young girl is brutally murdered, suspicion falls on two of the town's residents - Peter Rumancek, a gypsy werewolf, and Roman Godfrey, a wealthy heir with dark secrets.

As the investigation unfolds, more supernatural elements come to light, including vampires, experiments gone wrong, and ancient curses. The residents of Hemlock Grove must band together to uncover the truth behind the town's dark past and stop the killer before more lives are lost.

The show explores themes of friendship, betrayal, and the struggle between good and evil. With its twists and turns, Hemlock Grove keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the mysteries of the town.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Hemlock Grove
Sister Song
In Decay
Love Ablaze
Pays To Know
Who Needs Who
Bad Ritual
Tender Mirror
The Dog Is Black (feat. Liela Moss)
Come Back
People That You Must Remember
You Do It Well
This Ready Flesh
Dreary Moon
Love Song
Make Me a Bird
Green Sea
Busman's Holiday
I Love It (feat. Charli XCX)
Heart Attack
My Song 9 - China Goes Down Mix
Mirror Mirror
50 Fingers
I Think I'm Evil
Knot In My Heart
Fleur bleue
Do Right Man
I'm Only Joking
Iron Wolf
Black Shadow Dub
Ma Leisha
Bad Intentions
Switching Lanes
Our Eyes Locked (Feat. Jael KDLV, Larry Ramone & JFK of Contrast)
She and Him
La Traviata, Act I: "E Strano - Ah Fors'e Lui"
Piano Trio No. 2 In E Flat Major, Op. 100, D. 929: II. Andante Con Moto
Bury My Heart
Symphony No. 39 in E-Flat Major, K. 543: I. Adagio - Allegro
Creature with the Atom Brain
Body Up
Missa De beata virgine: Agnus Dei I, II & III
Wasted Orchard
Freight Train
Mourning Sickness
Darkness Hides
Can't Do It Like Me (Born to Be a G)

User reviews

Kimberly Lopez

The soundtrack of Hemlock Grove captivates me from the very first episode, setting the perfect eerie and mysterious tone for the supernatural horror thriller. The haunting melodies and atmospheric sounds immerse me in the dark world of Hemlock Grove, enhancing the storytelling.

Anthony Rodriguez

The choice of songs in certain key moments felt out of place and disconnected from the overall tone of the series. It made it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the story when the music felt mismatched or inappropriate for the scenes it accompanied.

Stephanie Roberts

Overall, the Hemlock Grove soundtrack stands out as a powerful and evocative element of the series, playing a crucial role in shaping the show's tone and enhancing its themes of mystery, horror, and the battle between light and darkness.

Nancy Anderson

Some of the instrumental tracks lacked depth and complexity, coming across as generic and uninspired. I was hoping for a more innovative and captivating score that would elevate the storytelling, but I was left feeling underwhelmed by the repetitive and lackluster musical motifs throughout the show.

George Clark

The haunting and atmospheric music in Hemlock Grove perfectly sets the tone for the supernatural horror thriller series.

Thomas Anderson

The soundtrack's melodic motifs and recurring themes help to tie together the various storylines and plot twists, creating a cohesive and immersive viewing experience.

Richard Johnson

The haunting melodies of the Hemlock Grove soundtrack effectively set the eerie tone for the supernatural series, drawing viewers into the dark and mysterious world of the show.

Susan Martin

The diverse range of musical styles in the soundtrack adds depth and complexity to the storytelling, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Robert Scott

The emotional depth conveyed through the music enhances the character development and adds layers of complexity to the narrative.

Karen Nelson

The soundtrack's seamless integration with the show's visual storytelling creates a cohesive and immersive viewing experience, enhancing the atmosphere and helping to build tension and suspense throughout each episode.

Mary Gonzalez

The music seamlessly blends with the visuals, enhancing the overall cinematic experience and drawing viewers deeper into the world of Hemlock Grove.

Kenneth Gonzalez

Overall, the band soundtrack of Hemlock Grove is a standout element of the series, adding depth, emotion, and atmosphere to the supernatural tale of mystery and intrigue.

Carol Campbell

The musical score of Hemlock Grove is a masterpiece on its own, seamlessly blending different genres and styles to create a unique auditory experience. From ominous symphonies to haunting vocals, the soundtrack elevates the show to a whole new level, making it a truly unforgettable viewing experience.

Charles Wilson

The use of atmospheric music in key moments of suspense and horror enhances the tension and keeps audiences engaged, adding depth to the storytelling and heightening the emotional impact of the scenes.

Ronald King

I found the soundtrack of Hemlock Grove to be jarring and distracting at times. The music did not seem to complement the scenes or enhance the suspense; instead, it often took away from the mood and atmosphere that the show was trying to convey.

Linda Roberts

The dynamic range of the music, from haunting vocals to intense instrumentals, mirrors the show's shifting tone and keeps audiences captivated throughout.

Michael Adams

The soundtrack's ability to evoke a sense of dread and unease complements the show's themes of betrayal and supernatural intrigue.

Stephanie Davis

The musical score effectively captures the emotional turmoil and inner conflicts of the characters, underscoring their struggles with identity, morality, and the supernatural forces at play in the town of Hemlock Grove.

Susan Lee

Each track in the soundtrack is carefully curated to match the intensity and emotions of the scenes, adding depth and dimension to the characters and their struggles. The music perfectly complements the themes of friendship, betrayal, and the eternal battle between good and evil, resonating with the audience on a profound level.

Lisa Johnson

The band score effectively captures the dark and mysterious essence of the small town of Hemlock Grove, creating a unique and immersive atmosphere.

George Anderson

The use of eerie and unsettling melodies in key moments heightens the tension and suspense, keeping viewers engaged and on edge.

Donna Jones

The soundtrack’s ability to evoke a sense of foreboding and unease perfectly complements the sinister events unfolding in Hemlock Grove, adding an extra layer of complexity to the narrative and enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Nancy Taylor

The diverse range of musical styles and genres in the soundtrack reflects the eclectic nature of the show, blending elements of classical orchestration with modern electronic beats to create a unique and immersive auditory experience.