HENRY O!, a feature-length documentary, tells the remarkable and inspiring story of Henry Oliu, a man blind from birth, who has overcome all obstacles and made his dream of major league baseball come true. Invoking his love of sports and an encyclopedic memory of facts and figures, Henry hears the crack of the bat and knows if he's a single, double or home run; he listens to the edge of the ball in the catcher's mitt and knows if he's a curveball, fastball or changeup. Henry is the color analyst at Mega Classica 820 radio, WMGG, the strongest Hispanic station in Florida's Tampa Bay Market. And next to him in the broadcast booth above Tropicana Field, whispering in his ear up-to-date stats and field action only eyes can see, is the love of his life, his wife Deb. Partners both on and off the field, Henry and Deb walk arm in arm through life, having met, mostly, on a blind date. HENRY Oh! It is a path of humble beginnings and overwhelming obstacles, of faith in the...