Hey Arnold! is an animated television series that follows the adventures of a fourth-grader named Arnold who lives in a boarding house with his grandparents in a fictional city. Arnold is known for his unique football-shaped head and his kind-hearted nature.
The show explores Arnold's interactions with his diverse group of friends and classmates, including his best friend Gerald, the tough girl Helga who secretly has a crush on Arnold, and the eccentric classmates like Eugene and Stinky. Arnold often finds himself in various predicaments but always manages to find a solution with the help of his friends.
Hey Arnold! tackles themes of friendship, family, and growing up, making it a beloved show for both children and adults. The series ran for five seasons and continues to have a dedicated fan base to this day.
Play | Title | Artist |
Hey Arnold!
Football Head
Hey Arnold
Journey Into The Melody
Something to Remember You By (Remastered)
The Fox
4:20 PM
117 Special
Natural Green