High Incident is a television drama series that aired on ABC from 1996 to 1997. The show follows the lives of the officers of the El Camino Police Department in California as they deal with various crimes and emergencies in their community.
The main focus of the series is on the partnership between veteran cop Russ Granger and his rookie partner Andy Lightner. Together, they navigate the challenges of law enforcement while also dealing with personal struggles and conflicts.
High Incident explores themes of loyalty, duty, and the impact of violence on both the officers and the citizens they serve. The show received critical acclaim for its realistic portrayal of police work and its complex characters.
Throughout its two seasons, High Incident delves into the moral dilemmas faced by law enforcement officers and the sacrifices they make to protect their community. The series is a gripping and intense look at the challenges of being a police officer in a high-crime area.