Hitler: The Rise of Evil is a TV miniseries that explores the life of Adolf Hitler, from his childhood in Austria to his rise as the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany. The series delves into the events that shaped Hitler's beliefs and ideologies, leading to his eventual reign of terror during World War II.
The miniseries portrays Hitler as a complex and charismatic figure who was able to manipulate the political climate of the time to gain power. It highlights the key moments in his life, such as his time in prison where he wrote his manifesto, Mein Kampf, and his appointment as Chancellor of Germany in 1933.
Throughout the series, viewers witness how Hitler's extreme nationalism and anti-Semitic views fueled his ambition for power and ultimately led to the Holocaust and the devastation of World War II. The miniseries serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the consequences of hate and intolerance.
Play | Title | Artist |
Hitler: The Rise of Evil
Das Deutschlandlied
Horst Wessel Song
Horst Wessel:
Etude in E, Op.10 No.3
Frédéric Chopin:
Georges Bizet:
Blame It On The Jews
Oh How We Wish That We Were Kids
Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral
Richard Wagner: