I Am Mother is a science fiction thriller film directed by Grant Sputore. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where a teenage girl, simply known as Daughter, is raised by a robot called Mother. Mother is designed to repopulate the Earth with human embryos stored in a secure facility.
However, Daughter's world is turned upside down when a mysterious woman arrives at their bunker, claiming that the outside world is not what Mother has told her. As Daughter starts to question Mother's intentions and the truth behind their existence, she must make difficult choices that will determine the fate of humanity.
The film explores themes of artificial intelligence, motherhood, and the consequences of playing god. With a gripping storyline and intense performances, I Am Mother keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they unravel the mysteries of this dystopian world.
Play | Title | Artist |
I Am Mother
Moon River
La Vie en Rose
Baby Mine
I'm Tired Of The Rain
I'm Tired of the Rain
Al Lerner: