"I Belonged to You" is a Chinese romantic drama film that follows the interconnected lives of several individuals as they navigate love, loss, and self-discovery. The story revolves around a radio host named Chen Mo, who is known for his soothing voice and insightful advice on relationships.
One day, Chen Mo meets a mysterious woman named Xiao Rong, who captures his heart with her enigmatic personality. As their relationship blossoms, they both must confront their pasts and learn to trust each other.
Meanwhile, Chen Mo's best friend, a successful businessman named A Nan, struggles with his own romantic troubles. A Nan is torn between his feelings for his ex-girlfriend and a new love interest, forcing him to reevaluate his priorities.
As the characters' lives intertwine, they must confront their fears and insecurities in order to find happiness and fulfillment. "I Belonged to You" is a poignant and heartfelt story about love, friendship, and the journey to self-acceptance.