I Married an Anti-Fan Soundtrack (

I Married an Anti-Fan Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 5.90/10 from 1100 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

I Married an Anti-Fan

Title in Italiano:

I Married an Anti-Fan

Title in Português:

I Married an Anti-Fan


"I Married an Anti-Fan" is a romantic comedy film that tells the story of a famous K-pop star named Hoo Joon who gets involved in a scandal with a tabloid writer named Lee Geun Young. As a result of their public feud, they become anti-fans of each other.

However, things take an unexpected turn when Hoo Joon's agency decides to boost his image by having him participate in a reality show where he will live with his anti-fan, Lee Geun Young. The two are forced to cohabitate and their constant bickering and clashes make for entertaining television.

As they spend more time together, Hoo Joon and Lee Geun Young begin to develop feelings for each other. Despite their initial animosity, they realize that they have more in common than they thought and that their anti-fan relationship may just be a cover for something deeper.

Will Hoo Joon and Lee Geun Young be able to overcome their differences and find love in the midst of their public feud? Watch "I Married an Anti-Fan" to find out!

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
I Married an Anti-Fan
Pop Star
When u blow
Pop Star - Instrumental
Bittersweet - Instrumental
When u blow - Instrumental

User reviews

David Hernandez

The blending of pop and traditional Korean music elements in some tracks adds a unique touch to the soundtrack, creating a memorable listening experience.

Deborah Mitchell

Overall, the soundtrack of I Married an Anti-Fan is a delightful accompaniment to the film, complementing the storyline and character dynamics excellently.

Karen Phillips

The music selection is diverse and fitting for the different moods and scenes throughout the movie, effectively setting the tone for each moment.

Donald Martin

The music selection in the film is diverse and well-curated, ranging from fun pop tracks to heartfelt ballads. Each song complements the storyline and helps to create a memorable viewing experience for the audience.

Ashley Allen

The soundtrack of I Married an Anti-Fan failed to captivate me due to its lack of originality and memorable tunes. I found myself struggling to connect emotionally with the music, as it felt generic and uninspired.

William Davis

The soundtrack of I Married an Anti-Fan perfectly captures the playful and romantic essence of the film. The upbeat melodies and catchy tunes enhance the comedic moments and add depth to the emotional scenes.

Nancy Allen

Additionally, I was disappointed by the way the soundtrack was used in the film. The placement of the music often felt forced and awkward, disrupting the flow of the story rather than enhancing the viewing experience. It failed to create the right atmosphere or evoke the intended emotions, leaving me underwhelmed and disconnected from the characters' journey.

Donald Hernandez

The soundtrack of I Married an Anti-Fan perfectly captures the romantic and comedic essence of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.