Il giorno del porco Soundtrack (

Il giorno del porco Soundtrack (1992) cover

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Rating: 7.50/10 from 44 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Il giorno del porco

Title in Italiano:

Il giorno del porco

Title in Português:

Il giorno del porco

Title in Français:

Il giorno del porco

Title in Türk:

Domuzun Günü


Il giorno del porco is a thrilling novel that tells the story of a small Italian village where a mysterious event takes place. The villagers wake up one morning to find that all the pigs in the town have been slaughtered in a gruesome manner.

The protagonist, a young detective named Marco, is called to investigate the crime. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of secrets and lies that have been hidden for years.

As Marco gets closer to the truth, he realizes that the murder of the pigs is just the beginning of a much larger conspiracy that threatens the entire village.

With the help of his loyal team, Marco must race against time to solve the mystery and bring the culprits to justice before it's too late.

Il giorno del porco is a gripping tale of suspense, betrayal, and redemption that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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Il giorno del porco

User reviews

Michelle Green

I found the use of traditional Italian musical elements in the soundtrack to be a nice touch, adding depth and authenticity to the setting of the small village where the story takes place.

Emily Harris

Overall, the soundtrack of Il giorno del porco is a masterful blend of music and storytelling, enhancing the overall experience of the novel and leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

Richard Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Il giorno del porco perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the novel, enhancing the overall atmosphere of mystery and intrigue.

Elizabeth Clark

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of foreboding, keeping me engaged and eager to uncover the secrets hidden within the plot.

Ashley Robinson

The music in Il giorno del porco effectively enhances the emotional impact of key scenes, creating a sense of tension and anticipation that draws the listener deeper into the narrative.

Linda Roberts

The seamless integration of the soundtrack with the narrative of the novel enhances the storytelling, creating a cohesive and impactful experience that lingers long after the final notes fade away.

John Thompson

The haunting melodies and somber tones of the soundtrack convey the sense of betrayal and hidden secrets that permeate the story, adding an extra layer of complexity to the characters and plot.

Karen Jones

The dynamic range of the music, from soft and subtle moments to intense and dramatic crescendos, mirrors the emotional journey of the characters, making the listening experience truly immersive.

Dorothy Scott

The soundtrack of Il giorno del porco perfectly captures the suspense and mystery of the novel, creating an eerie atmosphere that keeps you on edge throughout the story.

Joseph Wright

The use of traditional Italian instruments in the music adds an authentic touch to the setting of the small village, immersing the listener in the story's cultural background.