Infinity Train is an American animated television series created by Owen Dennis. The show follows a young girl named Tulip and her companions, a robot named One-One and a talking corgi named Atticus, as they journey through a mysterious train with an infinite number of cars. Each car presents a new and unique challenge for Tulip to overcome, as she tries to find her way home.
As Tulip navigates the train, she learns more about herself and the world around her, facing her fears and insecurities along the way. The series explores themes of identity, friendship, and personal growth, making it a compelling and thought-provoking watch for viewers of all ages.
Infinity Train has received critical acclaim for its storytelling, animation, and character development. It has been praised for its creativity and originality, as well as its ability to tackle complex themes in a way that is accessible to a younger audience. The show has garnered a dedicated fanbase and has been renewed for multiple seasons, solidifying its place as a standout series in the world of animation.