"Inglorious Basterds: Stolz der Nation" is a film directed by Quentin Tarantino that takes place in Nazi-occupied France during World War II. The story follows a group of Jewish-American soldiers known as the "Basterds" who are on a mission to assassinate high-ranking Nazi officials. Their plan coincides with the premiere of a propaganda film called "Stolz der Nation" which is being attended by the German leadership, including Adolf Hitler.
As the Basterds plot their attack, a young Jewish woman named Shosanna Dreyfus seeks revenge for the murder of her family by the Nazis. She plans to burn down the cinema where the premiere is taking place, killing Hitler and his followers in the process.
The film culminates in a violent and explosive showdown at the cinema, where the Basterds and Shosanna's plans intersect in a thrilling and bloody climax. "Inglorious Basterds: Stolz der Nation" is a gripping and intense film that explores themes of revenge, justice, and the horrors of war.