"Internet: The Movie" is a Brazilian comedy film that follows the story of a group of YouTubers who are invited to a convention in São Paulo. The film explores the impact of the internet on society and the lives of its characters, as they navigate through the world of social media, memes, and online fame.
The movie features a star-studded cast of popular Brazilian internet personalities, including Whindersson Nunes, Kéfera Buchmann, and Rafinha Bastos. Throughout the film, the characters find themselves in hilarious situations that parody internet culture and trends, making fun of everything from viral videos to online influencers.
As the YouTubers come together for the convention, they must confront their own egos and insecurities, while also dealing with the pressures of fame and the constant need for validation from their online followers. "Internet: The Movie" is a satirical take on the digital age, offering a humorous look at the ways in which the internet has changed the way we communicate, create content, and interact with one another.