"Jai Mummy Di" is a light-hearted comedy film that revolves around the lives of two families who are constantly at odds with each other. The story follows the love story of their children, Puneet and Saanjh, who are madly in love with each other but are unable to get married due to the ongoing feud between their mothers.
As the families try to sabotage their relationship, Puneet and Saanjh must find a way to convince their mothers to put aside their differences and give their blessing for the marriage. The film is filled with hilarious moments, misunderstandings, and heartwarming scenes that highlight the importance of family and love.
With a stellar cast including Sunny Singh, Sonnalli Seygall, Supriya Pathak, and Poonam Dhillon, "Jai Mummy Di" promises to be a fun-filled ride that will leave the audience laughing and rooting for the young couple to overcome all obstacles and be together.