Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity is a stand-up comedy special featuring ventriloquist Jeff Dunham and his cast of characters. In this hilarious show, Dunham brings his puppets to life on stage, including the popular characters Achmed the Dead Terrorist, Walter, Peanut, and Jose Jalapeno on a Stick.
The special showcases Dunham's incredible talent for ventriloquism and his ability to create unique and memorable characters. Audiences are treated to a night of laughter and entertainment as Dunham's puppets interact with each other and the audience, delivering witty and irreverent jokes.
Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity is a must-watch for fans of comedy and ventriloquism, as Dunham's quick wit and comedic timing shine throughout the show. Whether you're a longtime fan of Dunham's work or new to his comedy, this special is sure to leave you in stitches.
Play | Title | Artist |
Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity
Free For All
Nick Nolan: