Toilet-bound Hanako-kun is a supernatural manga series written and illustrated by AidaIro. The story follows a high school girl named Nene Yashiro who summons a ghost named Hanako-kun to grant her wish. However, she soon discovers that Hanako-kun is actually the ghost of a boy who haunts the third stall of the girls' bathroom.
As Nene gets to know Hanako-kun better, she becomes entangled in the supernatural world of the school, where she encounters other ghosts and spirits. Together, Nene and Hanako-kun must navigate the dangers of the spirit world while also dealing with their own personal struggles.
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun is a unique blend of horror, comedy, and romance that has captivated readers with its intriguing characters and engaging storyline. With stunning artwork and a compelling plot, this manga is a must-read for fans of the supernatural genre.