Judy & Punch is a darkly comedic tale set in the anarchic town of Seaside. The story follows the lives of puppeteers Judy and Punch, who are trying to resurrect their marionette show in a town that has turned against them. When Punch kills Judy in a fit of rage, she miraculously survives and seeks revenge on her husband. As Judy plots her revenge, she must navigate a world of violence, betrayal, and dark humor.
Play | Title | Artist |
Judy & Punch
Pomnyu Ya
Air on the G String
Johann Sebastian Bach:
Who By Fire
Rigoletto, Act II: Scorrendo Uniti Remota
Giuseppe Verdi:
Two Magicians
Virginia Gay:
Traditional, arranged
Life Is Life
Toccata and Fugue in D minor
Johann Sebastian Bach:
Fire Song
Sophia Brous: