"Kicking and Screaming" follows the story of Grover, Max, Otis, and Skippy, all 22-year-old friends who have just graduated from college. Otis is heading to graduate school in Milwaukee, while the others should be starting their real post-school lives. However, they are having difficulty leaving the comfort of their friendship in the artificial environment of school.
They may end up like their older acquaintance Chet, who believes his career is as a student in college. Chet has been bartending at the townie hangout for the last decade, refusing to graduate and move on with his life.
The film spans from their next year to the following September, with flashbacks to Grover's previous year as an aspiring writer. Grover's relationship with fellow English major Jane is also explored, as they had planned to live together as a couple after graduation.
Play | Title | Artist |
Kicking and Screaming
Cecilia Ann
The Way I Made You Feel
Variation on a Disco King
The Question of Love
Shoot Your Way to Freedom
Grant Hart:
All in My Mind
Nothing Succeeds Like Success
Not Long Ago
Harping Around
Heart of Glass
Buffalo Soldier
King Sporty:
In This Heart of Darkness
In a Twilight Moment
Time of No Reply
The Lucky One
Don't Let's Start
Don't Stop
Something Blue
Braver, Newer, World
Tonight I Think I'm Gonna Go Downtown
Bad Reputation