Kingdom Hospital is a supernatural medical drama television series that follows the story of a haunted hospital in Maine. The hospital is built on the site of a tragic mill fire that killed many children, and their spirits still haunt the building.
The series centers around Dr. Hook, a surgeon who begins to experience strange occurrences and visions after a near-fatal car accident. He starts to see the ghostly children and becomes determined to uncover the truth behind the hospital's dark past.
As Dr. Hook delves deeper into the mysteries of Kingdom Hospital, he discovers that the spirits are trying to communicate with him and reveal the secrets of their deaths. With the help of the hospital staff and a psychic artist, Dr. Hook must confront the supernatural forces at play and bring peace to the restless spirits.
Kingdom Hospital is a chilling and suspenseful series that combines elements of horror, mystery, and drama to create a gripping story of redemption and healing in the face of supernatural evil.
Play | Title | Artist |
Kingdom Hospital
Worry About You
Red Dragon Tattoo
Fountains of Wayne:
Na Na Hey Ney Kiss Him Goodbye
Where's Your Head At
Basement Jaxx:
Time Has Come Today