La fuga Soundtrack (

La fuga Soundtrack (2001) cover

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Rating: 6.60/10 from 841 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La fuga

Title in Italiano:

La fuga

Title in Português:

La fuga


The escape is a thrilling story about a group of prisoners who plan a daring escape from a high-security prison. The main character, John, is a mastermind who comes up with a brilliant plan to break out of the prison.

As the day of the escape approaches, tensions rise among the group as they face numerous obstacles and challenges. The guards are on high alert, making it difficult for the prisoners to execute their plan.

Despite the odds stacked against them, John and his fellow prisoners manage to outsmart the guards and make their way to freedom. The story is filled with suspense and excitement as the group navigates through dangerous territory to reach their ultimate goal.

Will they succeed in their escape, or will they be caught and sent back to prison? Find out in this gripping tale of courage and determination.

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La fuga

User reviews

Ronald Williams

The soundtrack effectively conveys the emotions of the characters, especially John, the mastermind behind the escape plan. The music reflects his determination and cunning nature, creating a deeper connection between the audience and the main character.

Lisa Lewis

The soundtrack of The Escape perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the story. The music builds up the sense of urgency as the prisoners plan their daring escape, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Joshua Turner

The soundtrack of The Escape fails to capture the intensity and suspense of the high-stakes escape plot. The music lacks the necessary tension and excitement to fully immerse the audience in the prisoners' daring plan.

William Adams

The use of orchestral elements in the soundtrack enhances the epic nature of the story, giving a grandiose feel to the characters' daring plan and their journey to freedom. The music adds depth and emotion to the narrative, making the audience feel fully immersed in the prisoners' struggle for escape.

Nancy Nelson

Overall, the soundtrack of The Escape falls short of elevating the story to its full potential, missing the opportunity to create a truly immersive and gripping experience for the audience.

Brian Thompson

Overall, the soundtrack of The Escape enhances the storytelling and elevates the viewing experience. The music complements the action on screen, adding depth and emotion to the thrilling tale of courage and determination.

George Mitchell

The soundtrack of The Escape perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the thrilling story. The music builds up the excitement as the group of prisoners plans their daring escape, creating a sense of anticipation.

Matthew King

The soundtrack of The Escape effectively conveys the determination and courage of the main character, John, through powerful and uplifting melodies. The music elevates the story, highlighting the resilience of the prisoners as they face numerous obstacles in their quest for freedom.

Paul Rodriguez

The composition feels generic and uninspired, failing to enhance the emotional depth of the characters' struggles and triumphs. The lack of a memorable score leaves the film feeling flat and devoid of the energy needed to drive the narrative forward.

Edward Clark

Each track in the soundtrack of The Escape enhances the emotions of the characters and the challenges they face. From the heart-pounding moments of planning the escape to the adrenaline-filled scenes of evasion, the music immerses me in the thrilling journey of John and his fellow prisoners.

Richard Lopez

The use of dramatic orchestral pieces enhances the feeling of danger and excitement as the group faces obstacles and challenges during their escape. The music intensifies during key moments, adding to the overall thrill of the story.

Karen Phillips

The soundtrack of The Escape perfectly captures the tension and excitement of the daring prison break. The music builds suspense with its intense rhythms and dramatic melodies, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire story.